The cause of the interaction was adjudged to be caused by electro-magnetic induction from
the overhead current return conductors. Coated pipelines traversing beneath overhead wires
do not normally experience an effect of such magnitude, but the longitudinal nature of the
line has provided an accumulative effect, leading to the observations of AC pickup.Despite
the fact that the TR was not energised, the circuit through this TR and ground bed was
still closed, thus allowing the AC to be half wave rectified, with the ground bed
subsequently passing a DC component, and hence inadvertent CP to the pipeline.
An additional complication to the assessment revealed that the presence of trains on
the circuit lead to the erratic nature of the interaction. This was due to fluctuations
and imbalance of current flowing in the overhead circuits as the trains changed speed and
moved from one section of track to the next.
Potential monitoring of the Tees-Wiske pipeline eventually allowed train movements to
be predicted with some accuracy, even prior to sightings. An interesting observation of
this effect showed that certain train movements could not be detected through potential
monitoring, however, such vehicles were diesel powered, not electric!
To overcome these effects, it was necessary to either remove or control this
interaction, such that formal CP could be applied to the pipeline without the excessive
potentials that may lead to coating damage in the future.
Corrosion of the pipeline was not a concern, as the current discharge was occurring at
the ground bed. However, the high negative potentials were a cause of concern as they
could lead to damage of the coating and a shortening of its life. Three approaches were
- Current earthing,
- AC current filtering,
- A polarisation cell.
Although, earthing of the currents is possible through the use of anodes, installed at
selective locations along the line, this approach was considered as a last resort.